Hypnotizing Beat Page 15
Kieran leapt from the stage first, his combat boots booming as he landed. The stage manager here would kill them. Better him than Alberich’s men. Renn launched himself off after, pipes in hand, and Trevor sucked in a deep breath before he joined them, Jett following close behind. The force of the landing reverberated up his shins.
Renn’s pipes sounded first, the tremulous melody quiet until one by one, the hundreds of people in the audience grew hushed to hear the music. The more humans caught the tune, the more they were ensnared. Some of them hummed to the melody, and others who knew the lyrics joined in, but one by one, they began to rise from their seats and head to the aisles. Kieran and Renn walked side by side as he sang alongside the satyr. The microphone carried the preternatural sound of the pipes, ones that manipulated emotions as easily as breathing.
They would pied piper their way out of this show.
Trevor lifted his hands to clap to the beat of the song they played. Jett flashed him a grin, the siren’s dark eyes filled with his sardonic brand of mischief. Jett joined in on the harmony of Kieran’s vocals, and Trevor opened his mouth a moment later, singing loud enough for the mic to pick up.
No matter how they danced up and down the aisles to bring more of their audience trailing behind them, Trevor’s focus never left the exits. He could pinpoint every single fae in the audience, as well as the ones lingering by the exits accidentally-on-purpose.
Even with the nerves running up and down his arms and legs like flame, Trevor allowed himself to grin and laugh with his bandmates. It was hard not to with the ridiculous way Renn piped, headbanging up and down to his own music. Or how Kieran fondled the mic like he owed it a favor. Even Jett dove into the fray, sneaking his own brand of misheard lyrics into their song, pickle instead of fickle, or heartbroken as Hoboken. Trevor lifted a hand to help project his voice, unleashing a couple of wails of his own—just not the banshee sort.
They reached halfway through the aisle when Trevor caught three goblins inching closer to them, trying to wedge their way past the throngs of humans. He reached forward to tap Kieran on the shoulder.
Ky didn’t look back but nodded. “Come on, you slackers! Join us,” he called, beckoning the humans to surround them. He launched into the lyrics as at least a dozen more of the audience members squeezed into the aisles to the point they could barely move forward without jostling elbows. The human buffer alone kept Alberich’s assholes off their backs.
Liz was nowhere to be seen. Good.
Neither was Danica. The thought slammed into his chest like an airbag in an accident, but he didn’t stop singing along with the rest of the band while they wove their way through the crowded aisles. Guaranteed, they’d be banned from ever playing Park Theater again.
More humans leapt in to join them, the temperature rising a thousand degrees with the surrounding crush of bodies, like they’d jumped into the middle of a mosh pit. Once they’d gathered more of the audience, Alberich’s cronies stopped inching forward and instead headed for the doors. His switchblade weighed heavy in his pocket. If it came to a straight-out brawl against a horde of heavyweights, they were screwed. Their band could handle the occasional bar scrap and had even held their own against the one-off bounty hunters Kieran’s brother had lobbed at them, but an entire crew of pros was another story.
They’d reached the end aisle and headed toward the double door exit. Oh yeah, Park Theater management was going to hate them.
“Let’s keep this party going,” Ky called out, strutting his stuff with the mic and performing hip gyrations that would make Prince jealous. Renn continued to play his pipes, his hair flying around with the way he thrashed. The simple melody reached a frenetic pulse, drawing as many people as possible. He could only carry this on for so long—not like they could take the massive entourage through the streets of Vegas and back to the RV.
Trevor marched up the aisle, the exit sign glaring at them as they got closer and closer. Elbows jostled into his ribs, skin pressed against his, but he needed to keep his eyes on the sign. Otherwise claustrophobia would rear its ugly head again. He couldn’t afford a breakdown here and now.
Jett leaned in close. “Ready to run? Renn’s huffing and puffing like he just deep throated a monster cock the last half hour.”
Trevor snorted, even though, the siren wasn’t wrong. Any moment, Renn’s throat would dry, the magic would drain him too much, and he’d need to stop.
The exit sign lay feet away.
Kieran threw his hands in the air. “Thank you for being a fantastic audience,” he called out through the microphone. “We are Discord’s Desire.” As he shouted their send-off line, Trevor’s muscles tensed to run. Ky didn’t need to look back to give them a signal—they all understood.
Renn stopped piping.
All four of them ran.
Sweat dried on his skin when he raced through the doorway into the ticket sales atrium, which held about a dozen people milling around.
Half of them were fae. All those fae turned to look their way the moment they burst into the foyer.
“Run,” Kieran commanded, as if they needed further prompting. A rakshasa loomed, the skeletal wraith sweeping across the floor at an inhuman pace. Next, the venom spit would follow. Trevor’s legs burned from the abuse he’d put them through the day before, and only the strain of a short nap carried him.
He almost slammed into the glass door, his hands smacking against the metal bar to shove it open. The cooler night air swept over him as he burst out of Park Theater, rushing into the crowds. He raced toward the palm trees lining the edge of the walkway where it spilled onto the street. The next part of the plan hinged on timing, otherwise they’d be fighting Alberich’s merry band of assholes.
His shoe snagged on one of the bricks, and he almost went flying. Trevor used the momentum to vault forward. All too fast, the edge of the pavement came into view, spilling onto the road. Headlights glided by with the same intensity of the neons scaling the tall buildings of the Strip. He squinted as he stared the cars down.
Jett leapt after him, skidding to a halt that sent pebbles flying, and Renn scampered behind. Kieran brought up the rear to make sure the rest of them got out. A skeletal beast lurked close, all hooked claws and shadows—the rakshasa. Trevor reached for his knife, right when Jett opened his mouth to let out a stunner of a shriek. When Trevor had used his pipes yesterday, it had been the first time in a long while, his wail simultaneous relief and remorse.
The rakshasa pivoted out of the way of the sound, those talons rising as the beast prepared to strike at Kieran. Spittle flew, hissing as Ky dodged, and the acidic stuff landed on the ground.
Trevor bolted forward, his knife out. Kieran whipped around, his hands balling into fists. From farther back, two redcaps approached, moving with the speed their taut muscles afforded.
Jett let out another shriek, this time, right in the way of the rakshasa. The creature raced after them, a hiss coming from its throat when the forked tongue flicked out. Before the rakshasa’s talons swept down like a scythe, the creature froze as if encased in ice. Kieran didn’t hesitate, ramming his head into the rakshasa’s gaunt torso. It toppled over, but already, the stun wore off. Before the rakshasa could spew venom again, Trevor landed in front of them. He dropped to his knees and dragged his knife across the creature’s gnarled throat.
Blackened blood dribbled across his fingers. Kieran’s hand clapped onto his shoulder, drawing his attention to the two linebacker redcaps racing their way, jagged teeth dripping crimson. Their pale skin showed more veins than the average human, and their muscles bulged like they’d stepped up for a bodybuilder competition. Redcaps were the best mercenaries-for-hire, and Alberich had the cash to spare.
Renn charged forward, fists swinging, and his horns directed straight for the redcaps rushing their way.
“Your rental chariot awaits, boys,” Liz called from the roadside. She pulled up in a black Civic, the tires screeching with the force of her stop.
/> “Time to go,” Kieran said, lunging forward to grab one of Renn’s arms. Trevor snagged the other, and together they hauled him toward their getaway car. Renn stumbled backward as all three of them raced to avoid the big, burly redcaps fast closing the space between.
Jett slid into the passenger’s seat, and they’d left the back door open. Trevor gritted his teeth, ignoring the strain in his chest and the ache in his calves. He vaulted forward faster. His grip tightened around Renn’s arm, even as the satyr tried to wrest himself out to pivot around—or fight, he never knew with Renn.
One of the redcaps reached forward, those massive hands groping for a hold. Trevor swung his other hand around, the one clutching the knife. He had teeth of his own. Blood burst from the slice as the redcap yanked his hand away. Before the redcap could lash out again, the wail burned in his throat, begging to be unleashed.
Trevor opened his mouth, and the sound reverberated from it, shaky at first until the wail pierced loud. The redcap stumbled back, and he seized the seconds even as his throat pulsed and his heart ached.
“In, get in,” Kieran called out, almost tuck and rolling into the backseat of the car. The force of his movement brought their fucked-up daisy chain with him, Renn first, and Trevor following.
He hadn’t even landed on the backseat when the car rolled forward. Perfect timing too. A fist slammed onto the trunk of the car, crushing the metal.
Trevor landed hard against Renn who squeezed in the middle. He whipped around to fumble for the door handle. The redcaps raced along with the car, even as Liz picked up speed, and those large hands groped out. If they grabbed the car door, they’d take it right off. Trevor surged forward to reach the handle, and he launched his full weight into tugging the door shut. He landed against Renn and Kieran, crushing them into the opposite side of the car.
“Seriously, man, lay off the steak dinners,” Renn groaned, elbowing Trevor in the side. Liz raced them down the road, fast enough the redcaps couldn’t hope to keep up any longer.
Kieran leaned between the two front seats to press a kiss to Liz’s cheek. “I’m guessing you got the goods?”
“You know it, babe,” she responded, a sensual stroke to her voice. Kieran’s eyes glimmered in amusement. Trevor couldn’t help the twist in his chest. Their easy affection made him yearn like nothing else.
“The mirror’s in the trunk. I hauled it off while the staff was doing the equipment break down. We’ll have to head back later to grab your gear.” Liz swerved into the next lane, her eyes never leaving the road even as Kieran bit down on her ear. Jett swatted him, a look of annoyance creasing his brow.
“Where’s Danica?” Trevor asked, unable to keep the question restrained anymore. Ever since he’d seen her take off at the beginning of the show, the need to know burned beneath his skin with a growing intensity.
Liz chewed on her lip, those hazel eyes looking troubled. “She said she had a family emergency and ducked out.”
Trevor’s veins turned to ice. The only family she gave a damn about was Lenora.
Jett glanced to him, dark concern in his eyes. “Is there something we need to worry about?” he asked, his voice light even as caution danced across it.
Trevor swallowed the burn of an immediate response. Of course, they had no reason to trust Danica—they hadn’t shared the experiences in the caves or seen how she interacted with Lenora. The woman’s living, beating loyalty lay in her sister. If Alberich threatened Lenora, he wasn’t sure what Danica would do.
“You guys just keep hold of the mirror,” he said, guilt churning his stomach. He wished he could say she’d choose them this time. However, after everything she’d been through, the way she’d fought with her sister to survive, and the guilt she carried, he couldn’t offer those definitives. “I’ll talk with Danica.”
Liz zoomed across the freeway despite the weight packed into their too-full Civic. He would head to Danica’s hotel once they returned to the RV and find out what happened. With the main targets painted on both of their backs, they were the ones in the most danger right now. This was the worst time to go it solo.
Renn elbowed him in the side as the satyr shifted around in the middle. Trevor leaned harder against the side of the car to stare out of the window. He might physically be here, but his mind raced to the most remote depths of the Otherworld. At night, the Vegas skyline was like nothing else, a crammed stretch of neon desperation that strained like his own heart. Every peak and display screamed louder until they were all drowned out by the consuming night sky.
Liz turned onto the off ramp and wheeled into the RV park they camped out at. Even though this lot had been their home the past couple of weeks, right now the asphalt stretched out like a pool of ink ready to drag them under.
A rare quiet descended through the car when they approached their on-the-go home.
A figure sat out front of the RV, leaning back in one of their lawn chairs. Her hair was coiffed into a low bun, and she’d gotten changed out of the rocker tee she’d been wearing before, into a polka-dotted dress that fit her form all too well.
The tight cord inside him loosened at the sight of her. Danica was safe.
Chapter Eighteen
The relief in Trevor’s eyes when he stepped out of the car was a slap to the face.
Danica stepped from her perch on their lime green lawn chair and strolled up to the crew who spilled out of the Honda Civic they’d crammed into.
“False alarm,” she announced, flashing them her best PR smile, even as her chest tightened. “Lenora was late getting to her shift at Kink and Candy, and Melrose sounded the alarms. We’re all square now.” She forced herself to meet Trevor’s eyes with a steadiness she didn’t feel. Ever since she’d gotten the news about her sister, the earth ceased to exist beneath her feet.
“You missed the encore of a lifetime,” Liz said, her eyes gleaming in amusement. “Park Theater’s never seen entertainment like that.”
Questions about the mirror leapt to Danica’s tongue, but she swallowed them back. Most of the band didn’t trust her, and the worst thing she could do was rouse suspicion. Her stomach churned. No matter how many scenarios she ran through, every mental simulation ended badly. Either she abandoned her sister, or broke Trevor beyond repair. Either way, she’d become a monster.
“We’d better pack into the RV,” Kieran said, striding to the door. “We have a long night of driving ahead of us.”
Danica’s throat dried. The last thing she wanted was to be stuck in an endless cycle on the freeway with this silent terror draining her dry of rational thought.
Trevor stepped closer and wove his fingers through hers. His hickory and leather scent surrounded her, and she took her first full breath since she’d gotten the text at their concert.
“We’re going to step out for a bit,” Trevor said, casting a glance to her, the knowing in his eyes making her heart twist.
“Is that safe?” Kieran asked, his tone sharp and his golden gaze wary. “You two are the ones with the bounties on your heads.”
“Which is why you’ll be drawing attention by looping around Vegas in the RV and protecting the mirror,” Trevor pointed out. “If Danica and I are anywhere near that thing, we’re just going to concentrate all the focus.”
“Don’t worry,” Danica interjected. “I’ll keep your boyfriend safe. I’ve been told I can talk people to death, and I plan to weaponize that skill against my enemies.”
“Hate to say it, but they’ve got a point,” Jett said, loping past them. The chains hooked to his pants jangled with the motion. “The end goal is getting the mirror to Kincaid tomorrow, and if we can draw even a little distraction away from us, the effort will be worth it.”
“I’ll play it safe, brother,” Trevor said, giving Kieran a pointed ‘got this’ look.
Kieran lifted his brow. “If you wanted to slip off to fuck, you could’ve just said so.” A wicked grin spread on his face a moment later, so wide his fangs slipped out.
Trevor let out a sigh.
Danica snorted even as she squeezed Trevor’s hand. “Please, like I need your permission.” No matter the way she joked around with them, desperation pulsed in her veins, a hollow ache filling her chest. The more camaraderie she felt, the darker her world turned, because she’d reached the last rung of the ladder. No matter her choice, Alberich won.
“Well then, if you all don’t mind taking your business and leaving it out of mine, we’ll be heading off. If we run into trouble, I’ll call,” Trevor announced. At that, he leveled a look at Kieran. “Don’t wait up.”
Liz let out a wolf’s whistle, exploding in throaty laughs a moment later before she headed for the door of the RV. “Have fun, kids.”
Renn clapped a hand on Trevor’s shoulder, a wide grin rolling onto his face as he strolled off to follow Jett and Kieran inside.
Danica’s pulse pounded, the weight of the situation dropping onto her like a cement block. With just her and Trevor, she couldn’t avoid the vulnerabilities that seemed to surface around him or the way the air thickened with tension. She couldn’t avoid the yearning in her chest either, a constant dagger that tore more pieces of her away by the minute.
When his gaze settled on hers, her breath hitched in her throat. Those dark eyes gleamed like coffee, with a warmth she didn’t deserve.
“Hope you don’t mind the judgment call there,” he said, brushing his thumb across her wrist. “I saw the flash of panic and thought we could use some time away from our merry band of misfits. Besides, I’ve got plenty in mind to distract you.”
Her tongue dried. His sensual tone stroked across her, as did the heat in his gaze. Danica squeezed her thighs tight. She wanted him like every ice cream stand she’d passed when she’d first set on the run, broke and unable to even afford meals let alone indulgences. A collision so raw and real it would leave marks on her for a lifetime. Just tonight, she’d do something stupid and selfish. She’d pretend for a single moment they had a future. Like this beautiful, searing potential that unfurled between them could grow into something lasting.