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Hypnotizing Beat Page 5

  “All right, I’m listening.” Liz, the eternal voice of reason spoke up. She settled against the countertop in their kitchenette with her newly purloined cup of coffee. “So, the boys are doing a gig at Mandalay Bay—I presume that’s where this item of Alberich’s is located?”

  Danica offered her a wry grin, those pretty lips twisting in a way Trevor hadn’t been able to get out of his mind. Too bad his stomach soured every time he remembered the final phone call and the way things left off.

  “My god, I forgot what it was like to work with intelligent people,” Danica said, strolling over to the almost depleted carafe of coffee. She helped herself to the chrome mug out drying on the countertop and finished off what remained of Trevor’s freshly brewed pot. “Security is tight at Mandalay Bay, and we need the ability to roam where we please without getting the constant shut off. Guaranteed, Alberich will have his own men stationed on the security force to protect his precious cargo.”

  “Do we know what we’re stealing yet?” Jett’s voice came from the back of the RV as the siren approached. Unlike the rest of them who sported epic amounts of bed-head, Jett must’ve either combed his long, dark hair in his cot or put so much product in that his strands didn’t budge.

  “Not sure of the item yet,” Danica said, her eyes twinkling. Bullshit she didn’t know. Except if they tried grilling her here, she’d pull the same conversational pirouettes she always did. Trevor tapped his fingers along the backing of the booth. He’d have to confront her in private. “However,” she continued, “I was given the specific location of what we’re searching for, so while you lot strut your stuff at the Mandalay Bay stage tomorrow, Obiwan and I will be hatching a plan.”

  Liz heaved a sigh as a tentative grin rose to her lips. “Damn, Danica. You’re a cold bitch, but you’re hard to hate when you include me in all the fun stuff.”

  Trevor’s mouth twitched in amusement. Danica’s dark eyes flared with emotion, and he seized on it, just like he did any signs that more existed beyond the chilled surface she presented.

  “And when you guys find the area of the casino we need to break into?” Trevor asked, fixing his stare on her.

  A small grin curled her petal lips. “Well then, you and I will be nabbing Alberich’s precious item. If anyone can figure out what might belong to him, it’d be the two of us.”

  The word ‘belong’ made him internally flinch, but he remained calm on the surface.

  “What are the rest of us supposed to be doing?” Ky snapped. “Knitting cozies?”

  Liz’s mouth pursed as she fought her grin. “Don’t worry, babe. I’m sure you’ll be able to find some trouble to get into. We’ll be running inference, I presume. I doubt Alberich would have a treasured possession stowed away there without adequate security in place.”

  Jett sauntered up the rest of the way to greet them, fumbling with the buttons on his shirt. “Or if you’re a really good boy, Ky, I’m sure those security measures include hordes of his personal guard set to attack the moment someone tries to fiddle with his stash. Tell me again why this is a good idea?”

  Trevor gripped his knees as he hunched forward. “Look, I can handle it on my own if you guys aren’t comfortable.”

  Ky swatted him in the shoulder. “No. When my asshole family started causing problems for me, we all worked together to stop them. Tymarch Alberich is an active threat to my boy here, so there’s no way we’ll sit back and let that slide.” His golden gaze swung Trevor’s way. “I trust you’ll keep Ms. Maslanka from darting off the second we find ourselves in some real trouble.”

  Danica arched an eyebrow and pursed her lips, but to his surprise, she didn’t snipe back. He hadn’t missed how she kept glancing to her phone during the conversation, to the point he couldn’t help the uneasy flip of his stomach. Humans and fae alike never inspired much trust from him, and he was determined to not give her an inch, no matter the way those pert lips enticed and the scent of lime and lemongrass lingered long after she left.

  Her phone buzzed this time, but she slipped it out with an expert level of control, despite the flicker of interest in her green eyes.

  “As much as I’d love to keep watching you bicker among yourselves, I’ve got places to be,” Danica announced, placing her mug on the counter with a soft clink. “Maslanka Talent Agency won’t run itself. Obiwan, I’ll send you the information as soon as I get back to my hotel room so you can set-up the rest of the details for the boys.” Her gaze honed in on Liz for a minute before drifting his way.

  Her green eyes softened, like she offered a brief glimpse of the woman behind the tailored outfits, sharp wit, and even sharper smiles. Need razed through him like a wildfire. He wanted to see her undone beneath him, those chestnut waves splayed across his bedsheets. Just as fast, her mask slipped back into place.

  Her heels clicked along the linoleum as she headed toward the door. “See you on the flipside,” she called, tipping two fingers in the air before she descended the steps. The door clicked shut a moment later.

  Trev’s brows furrowed. Jett glanced to him, the perceptive jackass already forming his own opinion based on the curl of his upper lip. Kieran ran a hand through his hair and let out a loud groan that echoed in the silence. Liz slumped behind him. Trevor’s fingers tapped a staccato beat along the vinyl cushion. She’d bolted out of the RV too fast.

  “I don’t buy that she’s meeting with a client,” Trev murmured.

  Kieran’s gold eyes flashed with understanding as their gazes met. “We’ll handle things around the homestead. Go find out what she’s up to.”

  Trevor’s roving fingers stilled. Not like he would get any sleep at this point anyway.

  A thump, followed by a clash sounded from deeper in the RV. A moment later, Renn stumbled up to join the rest of them. His hair was a tangled mess, and the man hadn’t deigned to wear anything but boxers, placing his hard-earned six pack and hairier than average legs on full display.

  “What’d I miss?” Renn asked as he shook the empty carafe of coffee.

  Jett heaved an exaggerated sigh. “Just about everything, Sleeping Beauty. Are you sure ten hours of sleep wasn’t enough shut-eye?”

  Trevor snorted, and he stood. “I’ll be back in time for lunch.” He strolled to the front of the RV where he’d left his keys and wallet, nabbing them on his way. The moment he stepped outside, the wave of heat smacked him in the face, pure Las Vegas courtesy. Time to find out what sort of trouble had drawn Danica Maslanka away in a hurry.

  Chapter Six

  Danica stepped off the Strip, ducking into the shade of the flat-topped buildings on either side of her. A subtle pulse of awareness beneath her skin had been present ever since she’d entered the main sprawl of Vegas again. Someone followed her.

  She plunged down the narrow streets cluttered with jilted casinos, a couple of off-brand motels, and the sort of sunshine that bleached the streets around her. Whatever tail followed her could confront her in this dingy, shadowed spot. She couldn’t afford leading Alberich’s men or hunters to her intended destination.

  Danica stopped along a side street, the heat plastering her thin button-down to her chest. She leaned against the wall and waited, feigning an attempt to appear ensnared with the azure sky. Come on, you bastard. Minutes passed, and not even a breeze swept through. The sun beat onto her tanned skin, summoning obnoxious drops of sweat to trickle down her neck and her back. She cast one last scan over the area before continuing along the road in the direction of Kink and Candy.

  At this time of day, blackout curtains were in effect, and few people braved these side streets away from the Strip. If she were anywhere but Vegas, she might believe a zombie apocalypse had swept through the city while she wasn’t looking. With the hunters going to war against her kind, who knew—nuclear levels of fallout might be the fate awaiting them all.

  Kink and Candy’s neons had been shut off, the nightclub looking like a diner waitress by day and high-class bartender by night. Melrose stepped
to the door and waved her inside, shutting the door near as fast as she opened it.

  Two cars were parked in the lot beside the club. Danica’s heart thumped in double time. She cast another warning glance to the street behind her, but nobody roamed across the river of asphalt. She didn’t even catch any glimpses from the windows of the surrounding hotels and restaurants. With a sigh, Danica entered the building.

  The moment she stepped into Kink and Candy, the AC slapped her in the face and she liked it. The sweat started drying like paste across her skin, a fierce reminder to future Danica that a shower was essential tonight. Melrose stalked through the maze of stacked chairs and tables across the floor, heading toward the stage. The woman moved with preternatural grace, but it was anyone’s guess as to why a water nymph would take up residence in the desert. Melrose ran a clockwork crew, and Danica trusted her in the business capacity—which was the extent of confidence she offered everyone.

  All except one person.

  Lenora hopped off the stage she’d been perched upon and raced over to her, a hurricane in heels. Her long, golden hair hung in loose waves, and her skin had the perfect tan Danica never bothered achieving. She’d shown up in perfect Vegas attire, jeans so short they may as well have been underwear, and a loose, flowing green tank top. Once Lenora’s hazel eyes settled on her, the string around her heart loosened.

  “Don’t tell me you drove overnight for this ol’ gig,” Danica said, crossing the space between them. “I mean, Melrose is an absolute doll, but she wasn’t in dire straits.” She winked over to the long-legged water nymph who simply shrugged.

  Lenora didn’t respond, just flung her arms around Danica and squeezed.

  The touch was something she missed in her isolated bubble, the comfort of a connection she treasured more than any other. Danica swallowed hard, not willing to show her weakness for the only person who’d ever given a half damn.

  “Shut up, stupid,” Lenora murmured into Danica’s shoulder. “I wanted to see your sorry ass.”

  “Remind me why I was excited again?” Danica responded, unable to help her grin as she tugged on Lenora’s long strands before stepping back. Her sister served as a reminder it wasn’t always a place but sometimes the people who made a home.

  Lenora fluttered her lashes. “Because you’re a control freak who would’ve had a silent meltdown for every day longer I took.”

  Danica smirked, not humoring her sister with a response, because she was right. “So, Melrose, does my baby sister fit the specs of what you’re looking for?”

  Melrose strode to where they stood, pure professionalism in a pencil skirt and thick eyeliner. “You already missed her strut her stuff on stage. I trust your judgment, Danica—she was hired the moment you vouched for her.”

  Danica clapped a hand over Melrose’s, and they shook. The woman was cool and savvy, the exact type she preferred to work with, but Danica didn’t take any chances. Lenora would go by a different name and they were simply “old friends.” If anyone tapped into the vein that they were related and Alberich applied some pressure? Well, Danica didn’t trust her brethren from personal experience.

  “Well, you just let me know the next time you need extra entertainment to draw some newcomers to the club. I’m sure there’s someone I’m representing who would be a good fit here,” Danica said, the implication floating. Melrose tipped her fingers in a salute as Danica turned toward her sister. “And since you’re in town, Lilah, do you want to grab dinner tonight?”

  Lenora’s gaze twinkled with the fake name, but she nodded in response. “As long as you pick somewhere better than the Thai-Mexican fusion place from last time. The combination plates tasted like dog puke.”

  Danica didn’t bother hiding her grin when she turned on her heel to head out of Kink and Candy. As much as she wanted to stay and talk with her sister, a glimpse had settled the percolating pile of nerves she’d become. Lenora was safe, and at the end of the day, that’s all that mattered.

  “See you guys later,” Danica said, her mind reeling with the ever-expanding list of tasks she needed to accomplish once she returned to her makeshift office at the hotel. She winced when she stepped back into the sun, squinting as the heat blasted against her.

  She hadn’t got two steps down the walkway before the door creaked open again.

  “Danica?” Lenora’s voice came from behind her.

  “What’s up?” she asked, plucking her sweaty strands away from her forehead as she turned around to face her sister.

  “Be careful,” Lenora warned, her gaze flickering as she viewed the Strip in the close distance. “I started getting bad vibes when I rolled into town, and mine tend to be on point.”

  “Same goes for you,” Danica warned, unable to keep the scrape of seriousness out of her voice. “I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to you.” She sucked in a breath, trying to shove away the surge of emotion. “So, go wow your new boss, and then head on over to my hotel room. If you spot anything hinky, don’t hesitate to call.”

  Lenora nodded, her eyes softening. “It’s great to see you, sis,” she murmured, her voice quiet.

  Danica’s lips quirked into a grin, and she made a shooing gesture before striding off again. She didn’t trust herself to keep the waver out of her voice, and as the big sister, she needed to don the Man of Steel front. The door clicked shut again, and Danica continued down the walkway, heading back toward the Vegas streets she came from.

  “Don’t tell me you’re finding your clients at Kink and Candy now,” a low, smooth voice drawled from feet away.

  Danica whipped around, reaching into her purse for her copper knuckles.

  Trevor looked just as gorgeous as he did this morning, his well-fitting black V-neck tee and sliced up jeans highlighting all sorts of muscles she’d wanted to run her fingers across ever since they met. The sun gleamed across his tawny skin, bringing out the golden undertones, and his silver strands glowed. His arms were crossed, and he leaned against the side of the building, a knowing look she didn’t like glittering in those dark eyes.

  She shrugged, trying to suppress the way her heart raced. “Hey, I go where my clients want, even if it’s the sorts of strip clubs you boys play at.”

  Trevor quirked a single brow, and she sort of hated him for the sheer amount of cockiness one look could hold.

  Danica volleyed an annoyed glare back while a droplet of sweat trickled down her neck. “I suppose you were the one following me here?”

  He lifted a hand. “Guilty. Shame you didn’t introduce me to Lenora. I was curious to meet the woman so important you’d screw over anyone, us included.”

  He knew. Somehow, he knew. Her eyes widened, and she grabbed his arm, near dragging him away from Kink and Candy. Trevor moved with her, and they slipped down one of the streets in the shade, which somehow ended up a minimum ten degrees cooler without the overbearing sun. And now that she’d overreacted like an absolute idiot, she couldn’t roundabout out of this conversation.

  Danica let go of Trevor and stepped back. Something about the man sent her off-kilter, every time. Short tempers, she could deal with. Sarcasm, quietness, aloof, all of those fit in her wheelhouse. However, his somber gravitas reached straight for her heartstrings and tugged.

  “Look, I can’t have anyone knowing my sister’s in town,” she murmured, her gaze skating the ground. “Even at Kink and Candy, she’s going by a different name, and I’d like to keep her incognito.”

  His fingers, those long, perfect fingers, skated across her shoulder, and her eyes shot up to meet his. Understanding flickered there. Still, the touch lingered like he’d somehow marked her. “I won’t tell.” His brows drew together. “You’re just trying to keep her safe, and Alberich’s reach is far—believe me, I know.”

  The dryness in the air had nothing to do with the reason she licked her lips now. Standing this close to Trevor was dangerous. This vulnerable prickle at the nape of her neck was new, something she banished long ago when
she’d stuffed her pesky emotions into a Pandora’s box. She found herself resting a palm on his chest, feeling the smooth, defined muscles beneath the flimsy layer of fabric.

  “Thank you.” When she met his gaze, the heat simmering there shot straight to her core. Her heart ricocheted in her chest. She was two seconds away from finding out how those sensuous lips tasted.

  A car zoomed by, the rattle of the exhaust snapping her out of the moment. Bad Danica. Hands off the band candy.

  “Since you’re here anyway,” she said, tapping his chest before stepping away, “we may as well grab lunch and start Ocean’s Eleven-ing this bitch.”

  His returning smirk looked so delicious she wanted to take a bite. Spending more time by his side was a terrible idea with the way her libido ran wild. She let out a slow breath. Maybe a hate-fuck would get this itch out of her system. She needed to do something. The way her heart fluttered in her chest at the mere sight of him could only spell bad news.


  Danica took a seat and leaned back into the booth, watching as Trevor scanned the room at least three times before joining her. He’d been jumpy the whole way over, as if he expected Unseelie bounty hunters to leap out of every door they passed. Not like she blamed him. Ever since Alberich put the mark on her back, she’d been paranoid too.

  A quiet murmur filtered through Grenada Central, the elegant hush that came along with these sorts of places. While her kind tended to stick to fae-owned bars, right now she wanted to be as far away as possible from them. This quiet café featured wide, sprawling windows that displayed the dusty hues of the Red Rock Canyon in the distance, a beige booth stretching the entire length of the restaurant, and wire-rim two-seater tables spaced at reasonable intervals.